Shipping policy

At The Hijab Fairy, we're committed to delivering exceptional quality and customer service, and that includes our shipping policy. Here's what you need to know about our shipping policy:

  1. We offer fast shipping: We understand that you're excited to receive your order, which is why we offer fast and reliable shipping options. We ship all orders within 1-3 business days of receiving them, so you can expect your package to arrive promptly.

  2. We offer expedited shipping: We offer expedited shipping on all orders within Canada and the United States.

  3. We offer international shipping: We ship to most countries worldwide, so you can enjoy our products no matter where you are.

  4. We offer real-time shipping rates: We use real-time shipping rates to calculate the cost of shipping based on the weight and destination of your order. This ensures that you're getting the most accurate shipping cost possible.

  5. We offer package tracking: We provide package tracking information for all orders, so you can easily track your package and know exactly when it will arrive.

At The Hijab Fairy, we're dedicated to providing exceptional quality and customer service, and our shipping policy is just one way we do that. Shop with confidence knowing that we'll do everything we can to ensure that you're completely satisfied with your order.